Modeling of the process of acoustic and seismic waves interaction
The paper deals with the statement of mathematical problems and the analysis of experimental data of physical phenomena, connected with generation, long-distance propagation and interaction of the acoustic and the seismic waves from powerful vibrational sources working on the interface of the elastic Earth - atmosphere. This phenomena were observed...
Web-version of the historical tsunami database for the Pacific region
The paper describes the results of the application of the "client–server" technology for the development of the Web version of the Historical Tsunami Database for the Pacific. The database consists of two main parts: the catalog of tsunamigenic events in the Pacific with their basis source parameters and the catalog...
Optimization problem in vibrational seismics
Currently, vibroseismic method for the Earth’s Sounding (VES) is in most common use in solution of a great number of the geophysical tasks, such as vibroseismic monitoring of seismic-prone zones, seismic tomography, calibration sounding of seismic traces and seismic stations for increasing of the accuracy of definition of the coordinates...
Numerical modeling of transient seismic fields in viscoelastic media based on the Laguerre spectral method
The wave propagation in real media can be described within the framework of the theory of linear viscoelasticity. The presence of convolutional integral in Boltzmann' superposition principle poses the main difficulties in implementing the direct numerical methods in time domain. The paper presents an efficient algorithm, based on the application...
Modeling of the hydroacoustic source for Earth's global tomography
The paper deals with the modeling of the resonant vibrational source of the acoustic waves of infrasonic frequency range for the Earth's global tomography problems. The model of the hydroacoustic vibrational source includes a gasfilled resonance radiator operated under the free surface of the liquid. It is shown that for...
A subgrid model for the flow in the fractal porous media
We present a subgrid model for the flow of incompressible fluid through fractal porous rocks. Using the scaling hypothesis for the latter, we derive an expression for the effective permeability.
A numerical algorithm for simulation of two-component flows in the Earth's mantle
The equations of motion of a two-component isothermal viscous fluid for two cases are considered, when 1) velocity-pressure and 2) stream function - vortex are taken as unknown variables. Such equations can, in particular, be used for the mathematical simulation of some geodynamic processes. The algorithm of numerical solution of...
Same results of the group approach in the kinematic seismic problem
On the basis of group bundle of the eikonal equation the new equations, estimates and formulas are obtained which give a new description of the direct and inverse kinematic seismic problem (geometrical optics). The paper given is the summary of these results. They make it possible to reduce the direct...
Two and three-dimensional modeling of tzunami generation due to a submarine mudslide
The mathematical models of the tsunami wave generation by an underwater landslide should include a set of the fluid flow equations and the landslide motion equations along the sloping surface taking into account the energy of the wave generation and the necessary initial and the boundary conditions. Examples of the...
On the influence of the dilatancy, compression pores and filtration on the stability of sliding contact surface
Dilatancy, or increase in void volume, is typically associated with the inelastic deformation of a relatively intact rock. However, dilatancy associated with frictional sliding in laboratory samples also has been observed. At low normal stresses, dilatancy may be due to the uplift in sliding over asperity contacts. At higher normal...
The non-uniqueness of solution to the inverse problem of scattering
The inverse problem of wave scattering on inhomogeneities of a medium within the framework of a scalar wave equation is considered. The scattered field in such a model can be described in two ways: either with the help of the surface distribution of secondary sources, or by using volume distribution...
On preference of pattern recognition algorithms in geosciences
There are grounds to consider that pattern recognition in geological sciences is a challenge to those engaged in applied mathematics, which was cast in the 50-s of the XX century by the practice of scientific investigations, to which no worth answer was found . As it seems, this is caused...