Mathematical modeling of the Siberian regional climate
The regional model of the atmospheric dynamics is presented. The model is a component of the global climatic model ECSib, has the increased spatial resolution and is designed for the reproduction of the climatic atmospheric characteristics on spatial scales not described by the global model. In the model, the processes...
Land surface model within climate model ECSib
Vegetation is important for many ecological studies because it determines the rate of SO2 during photosynthesis as well as for hydrologic and atmospheric studies as it effects on the latent heat flux. The most detailed parameterizations of vegetation are often found in the land surface models jointly used with...
Diagnostic calculation of two Kuroshio states
The major objective of the present paper is to make the diagnosis of two Kuroshio states and to analyze them from the point of view of their specific features and to make the comparison with the situations discussed in the literature. Another target of the paper is to extend the...
Diagnostic calculation of the North Pacific circulation based on seasonal climatic data
The present paper deals with the study of the North Pacific circulation and its seasonal variability according to Levitus (1994) and Hellerman, Rosenstein (1982) climatic data. The Novosibirsk Computing Center North Pacific Circulation Model based on the finite element technique was used for the calculation of the climatic currents, as...
Numerical study of climate formation and atmospheric pollution in industrial regions
A numerical model for mesoclimate and atmospheric pollution in industrial region is presented. Both anthropogenic and natural factors are included. One of the case studies is discussed.
Designing of gradient measurements in the atmospheric surface layer
The problem of estimating the parameters of the atmospheric surface layer from the data of gradient observations of wind velocity and temperature is considered. The numerical method of analyzing measurements and sequential design of experiment is proposed. For the temperature--stratified surface layer the numerical calculations of optimal location of observations...
Mathematical simulation of methane inflow into the atmosphere from decomposed subbottom methanehydrates
It is assumed that with the global warming the temperature of the ocean surface begins its raising by 0.08 degrees annually. The climatic model of the ocean is further integrated for the period of 50 years and simulates penetrations of warming from the surface deep into the ocean. A three-dimensional equation...